Vitamin Drink Quiz ASP.NET

An online interactive quiz, built with ASP.NET C#, incorporating HMTL5 video and Flash streams.

Featuring a jQuery/Javascript driven front-end, the game promotes awareness of the benefits of the new vitamin-enhanced range of Ribena drinks, through the use of an interactive video quiz and social media hookups to encourage viral activity.

Video streams synced with sprite button animations using jQuery

Know your vitamins..

The idea of the game was to to support above and below-the-line campaigns through online consumer engagement. The quiz tests the participant’s knowledge of the type and benefits of the extra vitamins contained in the new Plus drinks range, and encourages players to sign up to the customer database and also share their results with their friends to help promote the brand virally.

Multi-platform delivery

As with previous projects, one of the biggest challenges was getting the game to work both on the iPad and on other mobile browsers. This meant using HTML Video for the iPad (since Flash is not available on iOS) and Flash streams for every other platform.

Front-end and back-end working together nicely

The back-end is built with ASP.NET, and the engine serves up the game sections and videos to the browser. The gameplay itself is directed in custom game code designed specifically in jQuery for the project.

Vitamin quiz front page... very juicy.

Visual development

Visual Studio 10 was the IDE, other tools I used included Adobe Photoshop, Fireworks and Adobe Media encoder for encoding alternative low/high bandwidth streams for testing.

Another very interesting and technically demanding project, but satisfying to be part of.

Job Done!

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