Working as a freelance web developer, there are times when you simply want to do your own thing and indulge yourself a little in your own passions. In my case, I have a weakness for superbly-crafted acoustic guitars…
With this in mind, I built this site to celebrate my love of guitars, and also to allow me to experiment a little with Ajax, jQuery and PHP. The site is of course driven by a back-end database and can be content-managed like most web sites.
I could have used something like WordPress, the off-the-shelf CMS solution popularised by so many web developers these days, and damn fine it is too for the right application.
However this approach allowed me to try things very quickly and directly without the need to integrate with the WordPress API. However, the ideas and approaches I used are all transferable to the WordPress platform or another integrated CMS solution.

Thumbnail listing: click on any one for a full article

Article page, thumbnails animate downwards to accommodate.